The Committees are advisory bodies responsible for providing NYSUT a practitioner’s perspective on educational issues and the impact of current or proposed state and national policies on public education, union members and their state and local unions. The committees develop positions and recommend actions that NYSUT should consider related to these policies. Members serve a three-year term and are appointed by the NYSUT Board of Directors.
The committees are:
These committees serve as an early warning system by identifying and communicating local, state, or national issues and concerns from the field directly to NYSUT. Subject area committee members may be called on to bring the practitioner’s voice to meetings convened by the NYS Education Department or other state or professional organizations.
Issues addressed by the committees in the recent past include but are not limited to:
- NYS Learning Standards
- Issues specific to the non-state tested content areas
- The NYS assessment system (student and teacher assessment)
- Multiple pathways to graduation
- Programs and services for special populations such as English language learners and students with disabilities
- Role of technology in education
- Role of the library media specialist
- Availability and effectiveness of mentoring and professional learning programs
Subject area committees advise NYSUT on how the union might develop methods to analyze and interpret changes in in the areas above and new areas as they arise. The committees help to shape and effectively communicate NYSUT's analysis, interpretation, and response to SED initiatives. Comments on timely concerns are frequently prepared by the Committee and posted for use by our members.