Educator's Voice

Educator's Voice

NYSUT's journal of best practices in education is dedicated to highlighting research-based classroom and school/district-wide strategies that make a difference in student achievement.

  • New Volume: Educator's Voice XVI: Post-Pandemic Shifts: Learning and Growing through Change

    On Post-Pandemic Shifts: Learning and Growing through Change, authors examine how the COVID-19 pandemic influenced the way educators, students and their families were forced to adapt to unprecedented changes brought on by nationwide lockdowns. They write about impacts the pandemic had on teaching and learning. They explore changes that followed everyone back into the classroom once school resumed in-person, building resilience while advancing innovation.

  • Educator's Voice XV: Sustaining Democracy through Civics Education

    Sustaining Democracy through Civics Education is focused on practices designed to help students become more informed, engaged citizens in our unique participatory democracy. From the mobilization of underrepresented voters, to role-playing and student-led debates, this volume offers educators a range of activities that will inspire, engage and help students to deepen their awareness of who we are as a nation.

  • Educator's Voice XIV - Leveraging Student Strengths through Project-Based Learning and Authentic Assessment

    We present classroom practices that illustrate the relevance of project- based learning and authentic assessment, through inquiry, hands-on and experiential learning, in both pre- and post-pandemic scenarios.

    These practices are as timely as they are foundational for anyone wishing to employ student-driven learning that promises to infuse deeper meaning in the curriculum while cultivating a passion for lifelong learning.

  • Educator's Voice XIII - Students with Disabilities

    Authors present a range of practices dedicated to students with disabilities and designed to promote access and equity in the classroom. You will read about the intentional design of inclusive classrooms utilizing collaborative teams, and how to develop the supports needed to execute them effectively across school communities; how to navigate instructional accommodations in the Individualized Education Program with a focus on guided note-taking in the high school math curriculum; and cutting edge research that examines how culturally responsive teaching can help students with autism spectrum disorder to gain in equity-based, social-emotional learning.
  • Educator's Voice XII - Culturally Responsive Teaching

    "Culturally Responsive Teaching: Celebrating Diversity in our Schools" includes unique units on students as ethnographers, and building culturally responsive learning communities through civic and political engagement.
  • Educator's Voice XI - Family Engagement and Community Partnerships

    Family Engagement and Community Partnerships help to build a more vibrant school environment. These valuable practices broaden the scope of support given to students by employing significant input and involvement from families and other partners.
  • Educators Voice X

    Authors share instructional practices designed to engage students by making them active partners in the learning process. Through classroom debate, guided inquiry, and project-based learning, the activities foster collaboration and capture students’ interest by leveraging their input.
  • Educator's Voice IX: English Language Learners

    Authors share how they engage their English language learners (ELLs) in activities that boost both their academic knowledge and linguistic skills, crucial in this era of increased rigor.
  • Educators Voice VIII: Critical Thinking

    Authors go beyond teaching the three R’s. Critical thinking and problem-solving for the 21st century learner means preparing students for a global society that has become defined by high speed communications, complex and rapid change, and increasing diversity.

  • Volume VII: Promoting Social-Emotional Development and Physical Well-Being

    This volume of Educator's Voice focuses on supporting students to cultivate deeper attention and empathy while strengthening the ability to reason, understand, and interpret new information.

  • Volume VI: Common Core Learning Standards

    This volume of Educator's Voice focuses on the Instructional Shifts which accompany the New York State P-12 Common Core Learning Standards for English Language Arts & Literacy.

  • Volume V: Using Formative Assessment to Improve Instruction

    The authors contributing to this edition of Educator's Voice give us greater insight into the cycles of the teaching process, and the fundamental importance of using varied assessment practices.

  • Vol. IV: Technology Integration

    Education in the 21st century means preparing students to use an ever-expanding array of technological tools to enhance intellectual development, career opportuĀ­nities, as well as local, national and global connections.

  • Vol. III: Expanding Literacy for Adolescents

    This issue of Educator's Voice addresses two interrelated topics: the unique needs of  readers and writers in grades 7 to 12 and proven strategies that increase comprehension of academic subject matter.

  • Vol. II: Literacy in the Middle Grades

    This issue focuses on the critically important years of grade 4 to 8 as a time to increase the complexity of the reading material and build the requisite skills so students will flourish in these years and beyond.

  • Volume 1: Early Literacy

    The premier issue of Educator's Voice explores early literacy through a framework that raises questions and provides practical strategies for building literacy skills among young learners.