Educator's Voice X: Engaging All Learners Through Content Area Instruction

Educator's Voice 10


In this issue …

The work presented in this volume brings content area instruction to the fore. Authors share instructional practices designed to engage students by making them active partners in the learning process. Through classroom debate, guided inquiry, and project-based learning, the activities foster collaboration and capture students’ interest by leveraging their input.

The authors describe practices across the curriculum, including in the arts and sciences, social studies and physical education. They infuse graphic arts in Career and Technical Education, present content integration in math and science, encourage young humanitarians to raise awarenessfor a cause, and use art as a platform to tackle bullying behaviors.

The practices presented here remind us that meaningful instruction has many different forms and contexts. Content instruction is a pivotal part of a balanced curriculum intended to nurture the whole child and to prepare aspiring minds to think, inquire, and engage.

Videos from featured authors: