Professional Resources: Higher Education

higher ed

Higher Education

NEW:SED Issues Guidance to Assist New York State Colleges and Universities as They Reopen. Aug. 6, 2020.
The New York State Education Department today released guidance to assist institutions of higher education in planning for a safe and orderly return to educational operations—whether remote, in person, or a combination of the two. This guidance, which the Board of Regents and Department developed in consultation with the higher education community, will help ensure institutions have the information and regulatory flexibilities necessary to develop and implement creative solutions to their unique campus circumstances.

NY.Gov: Reopening New York: Higher Education Guidelines (Summary). June 22, 2020.
This executive guidance is intended to address all types of in-person higher education institutions, including but not limited to community and junior colleges, universities, graduate and professional schools, medical schools, and technical schools. Higher education institutions must develop and submit a plan for reopening and operating for the duration of the COVID-19 public health emergency.

NYSED Guidance for Colleges and Universities
In response to concerns regarding students who are impacted by the coronavirus, either because they are returning from study-abroad programs or in the event of campus emergencies or closures, the NYS Education Department (NYSED) offers the following guidance. Update: April 2, 2020.

AFT: Principles of Higher Education Response to COVID-19
Covering treatment of employees, the effects of Ovid-19 on curriculum and instruction, intellectual property concerns and whistleblower protections.

NYSED Guidance for Educator Preparation Programs (edTPA).

Epidemic presents myriad issues for higher education. March 13, 2020.
A report from the early days of the crisis.

5 Social Media Tips in Times of Crisis.
These are extraordinary times for students, families and educators. Social media can be tricky; it's more important than ever to be professional and positive.