Workplace bullying is pervasive in America. It has devastating effects on worker well-being, stealing self-esteem, confidence and quality of life. It’s prevalent in school settings, with school employees reporting they are targets of bullies at almost three times the national average.
This toolkit is designed to assist NYSUT members wherever they work. It includes a fact sheet, a model policy and web resources. Coming soon to the toolkit will be a training module, examples of existing policies and contract language and a poster that can be customized, printed out and posted at workplaces and union offices.
Fact Sheet and Model Policy Statement
All employees should be able to have a workplace free of bullying and harassment and all employees have the responsibility to treat each other with respect. NYSUT has developed a fact sheet and model policy statement for download:

Anti-bullying posters are now available for download. In addition to the standard version, an editable PDF version is available for you to customize with local contact information.
NYSUT members and local presidents may also order printed copies in limited supply from our Publications Catalog.
Sample Contract Language (pdf)
- NYSUT model contract language
- Existing contract language from around the country:
- Boston Teachers Union, Local 66 [Massachusetts]
- Early Childhood Federation, Local 1475 [California]
- The Escambia Education Association, Local 7415 [Florida]
- Escambia Education Staff Professionals, Local 7418 [Florida]
- Minneapolis Federation of Teachers, Local 59 [Minnesota]
- Union of Rutgers Administrators
Sample Policy Statements (pdf)
Web Resources
- The Workplace Bullying Institute: ; self-help advice for individuals, personal coaching, research, public education, union assistance, training for professionals, employer consulting, and legislative advocacy
- Project Bully Free Workplace: ; provides on line statistics on bullying, free newsletter, workshops, keynotes and seminars
- Minding the Workplace blog of the New Workplace Institute:; dedicated to news and commentary about work and employment relations. Dignity at work, workplace bullying, employment & labor law, and psychologically healthy work environments are recurring themes
- Stand Up To Bullying:; school and workplace bullying resources and training
- Overcome Bullying:; Canadian site; links to e-books on workplace bullying