These Common Core anchor lessons were produced under the direction of NYSUT's Subject Area Committee members. The lessons and accompanying video clips are intended to be used as templates for Common Core lessons and as a reference point for discussions concerning implementation of the Common Core Learning Standards. The videos capture key points of the development process including where the lesson creators began, the struggles they encountered, and the ultimate successes they enjoyed. They provide authentic feedback on what worked and what did not.
Grade 8: Living Environment - NEW

Whose Air is it Anyway?
This is an interactive Smartboard lesson for students to enhance class discussion of both science topics and vocabulary. The lesson reviews concepts and vocabulary for the Intermediate Level Science Test (ILST). In addition, students will increase their knowledge of non-science specific vocabulary. The concepts of map skills and anthropogenic influences on the environment, at both the local and global level are addressed.
Grade 7-8: Languages other than English (LOTE)

Family & Celebrations: Weddings
Students will identify similarities and differences in the customs associated with weddings and marriage in the target culture and in the United States by drawing upon their own knowledge and the knowledge of their peers and by accessing authentic materials such as videos, invitations, programs, first person reports, and newspaper/blog articles. The lesson may be adapted for grades 9-12.
Kindergarten: English Language Arts

Understanding Farm Concepts with No, No, Titus
Use the book No, No Titus by Claire Masurel to engage students on the concept "farm" with key vocabulary words, text-based questions and more. Presented by Andy Palumbo, Jamesville-DeWitt Faculty Association.
Grade 3: Mathematics

Understand a Fraction as a Number on a Number Line
In line with Common Core Learning Standards 3.NF2a and b, students will understand a fraction as a number on the number line and represent fractions on a number line diagram. Presented by Deondra M. Seamons, Oriskany Teachers Association.
Grade 4: Social Studies - English Language Learners (ELL)

Longfellow's "Paul Revere's Ride" and the American Revolution
This lesson for classrooms with English language learners (ELLs) and students with special needs is a companion to the Grade 4 unit on the American Revolution in New York state. Presented by Katie Kurjakovic, United Federation of Teachers
Grade 8 and 11: Social Studies - U.S. History and Government
Upton Sinclair's 'The Jungle' and America's Progressive Era
Use Upton Sinclair's novel The Jungle as a centerpiece for study of reformers and "muckrakers" during America's Progressive Era. Adapted for middle level and high school. Presented by Jennifer Allard, New Lebanon Teachers Association.
Educator's Voice

Educator's Voice VI: Common Core Learning Standards
The sixth volume of NYSUT's journal of best practices in education focuses on the Instructional Shifts which accompany the New York State P-12 Common Core Learning Standards for English Language Arts & Literacy.