Kindergarten: English Language Arts
Understanding Farm Concepts with No, No, Titus
Grade 2
Writing an Opinion Piece Using “Henry and Mudge: Under the Yellow Moon”
Grade 3: Mathematics
Understand a Fraction as a Number on a Number Line
Grade 4: Social Studies - English as a New Language (ENL)
Longfellow's "Paul Revere's Ride" and the American Revolution
The following lessons were developed by teachers who participated in professional learning session focused on connecting the work of Susan Griss, author of Minds in Motion: A Kinesthetic Approach to Teaching Elementary Curriculum, with vocabulary acquisition, character development, and story elements for K-2 students.
Professional Development Session: Kinesthetic Learning
Grade 1
NYSED Classroom Videos
The NYS Education Department has classroom videos available in ELA (3 elementary, 1 secondary), mathematics (2 elementary, 2 secondary), and a European history lesson. The videos are presented un-edited and formatted to highlight specific NYS Learning standards as they are implemented.
Go to EngageNY to view the videos.