Sharon Nearby

Local: UFT
Sharon Nearby - COVID! Memorial
Sharon Nearby, Teacher from UFT
* Teacher
* IS 24, Staten Island

In an outpouring of love and remembrance, students and parents have been leaving flowers at IS 24 for Sharon Nearby, an ELA teacher at the Staten Island school for 27 years.

A former student added the dream board he had made as a class assignment with his personal tribute: “You had us make this dream board and now I’m dedicating mine to you.”

Sharon, 52, died on April 4th, just days before her birthday in what Chapter Leader Christopher Rogers described as “a devastating loss to our school community.”

A spirited supporter of everything going on at IS 24, Sharon mentored new teachers, reached out to students with disabilities or those having a difficult time at home and was always there to applaud student performances at concerts and plays. Sharon was also a leader in the Language

Arts Department, fostering collaboration and accommodation.

She is part of a family tradition at the school. Her sister, Robin Weibel, is a social studies teacher there and her mother, Francine Freeman, was a reading specialist.

As the mother of twin daughters, Sharon agreed to be a Girl Scout leader for their Brownie troop when they were young. When they entered Tottenville HS as freshmen this year, she jumped right in as “band mother,” working the concession stand and cheering at every competition.

Sharon is survived by her husband Jeff Nearby, her daughters Samantha and Rebecca, her parents Francine and Leonard Freeman and her sister Robin Weibel.

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