December 05, 2008 President Iannuzzi responds to Newsday with solutions for property tax relief Source: NYSUT Media Relations
December 04, 2008 REGENTS: Balance need for adequate funding with state's worsening revenue picture Source: NYS Department of Education
November 22, 2008 VIDEO: Activists take to the Capitol to protest mid-year budget cuts Source: NYSUT News Wire
November 14, 2008 Testimony: Impact of the Economic Crisis on the State Budget Source: NYSUT Legislative Department
November 12, 2008 Coalition to governor: 'Cuts alone will devastate New York's future' Source: NYSUT Media Relations
November 05, 2008 NYSUT hails Obama win; looks to new legislative session Source: NYSUT Media Relations
October 27, 2008 Exec. VP Lubin 'works it out' with Cornell public policy students Source: NYSUT News Wire