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July 14, 2011

Jeanette Pietrantoni: It’s What We Do

Author: NYSUT Communications


NYSUT’s good friend, Jeanette Pietrantoni, is one of the union’s most active retirees. She has worn many hats over the years and is currently editor of Retiree Council 7’s outstanding newsletter, “The Central New Yorker.”

When Jeanette saw this website, “It’s What We Do,” she was impressed. But, at the same time, she didn’t want it to overlook the valuable contributions made by NYSUT retirees to their professions and their communities.

Here’s how Jeanette put it:

“I just went to your page — it's impressive and about time that we (and our communities) recognize the "outside the classroom/workplace" contributions that we make to our neighbors and our neighborhoods.  I would suggest, however, that you add "retirees" to the introduction.

“Teachers and other school district retirees are a tremendous source of volunteers for our communities.  Here in Central New York, it was a retired teacher who organized and re-opened the 16th century French Fort on the shores of Onondaga Lake. We have several in our local group who drive cancer patients to their medical appointments. A number have been involved in community development projects; hospitals and other patient services, after-school centers, and a lengthy list of the organizations and places that make life better for all.”

Let’s hear from more retirees and those who love them.