Anthony Gronowicz, a member of Professional Staff Congress in New York City.
Tony Gronowicz was one of more than 20 Professional Staff Congress faculty members who volunteered to lead open-air soapbox-style teach-ins during a late spring protest that brought thousands of people to Wall Street.
With 22 years’ experience as an adjunct faculty member at City University of New York, Gronowicz was ready to do whatever was needed. “I can teach anything, ”Gronowicz told organizers when they gave teach-in leaders their assignments. Gronowicz teaches history at Borough of Manhattan Community College, where he also serves as faculty advisor to the Student Government Association.
Author of Race and Class Politics in New York City Before the Civil War, Gronowicz said he finds teaching irresistible for the opportunity it gives to “conjure up the world.” Skills as an analyst and a performer are both required. On the teach-in day, he wanted to relate education to both the roots and consequences of the Great Recession.
When his turn came, Gronowicz gave a presentation to agroup of young protesters from the Queens Community House on economic inequality in New York and the loss of free tuition at CUNY. “I wish it [CUNY]was free,” said a young woman after Gronowicz finished. “Education should be free.”