Show your support for the "Remember the Triangle Fire Coalition"
In addition to providing resource materials to support gender equality and female empowerment, the NYSUT Women’s Committee also has branded merchandise available to be used to organize and mobilize NYSUT members. (Beanies, scarves, water bottles, lapel pins, EMPOWERHER pen lights and tattoos)
Order now: NYSUT Women's Committee
"Remember the Triangle Fire Coalition" merchandise

*A portion of the proceeds received will be donated to the “Remember the Triangle Fire Coalition."
History of the Triangle Shirtwaist Fire and its impact on the labor movement.
The "Remember the Triangle Fire Coalition" is dedicated to keeping the memory alive.
The "Remember the Triangle Fire Coalition” connects individuals and organizations with the 1911 Triangle Factory Fire — one of the pivotal events in US history and a turning point in labor’s struggle to achieve fair wages, dignity at work and safe working conditions. Outrage at the deaths of 146 mostly young, female immigrants inspired the union movement and helped to institute worker protections and fire safety laws. Today, basic rights and benefits in the workplace are not a guarantee in the United States or across the world. We believe it is more vital than ever that these issues are defended.
The Remember the Triangle Fire Coalition also educates the public about the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire through its on-going projects, educational outreach, and social media sites. To that end, the Remember the Triangle Fire Coalition is currently working to establish a permanent art memorial to those who died in the fire, so that their sacrifice will never be forgotten.
American Labor Studies Center - Triangle Factory Fire: A Teachers Guide
Friday, March 25, 2011 marks the centennial of the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire where 146 victims, mostly young female immigrants, perished in one of the nation’s most tragic workplace disasters.
The 100th anniversary of the event presents teachers with an opportunity to explore the Fire and its legacy that continues to today.
AFL-CIO - The Triangle Shirtwaist Fire
Provides a longer written history of the fire, the life of a Shirtwaist maker, the influence of Clara Lemlich calling for a strike vote, the uprising of 20,000 and the legacy of the Shirtwaist makers.
Cornell University - Video - The Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Collection
On March 25, 1911, a fire at the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory in New York City killed 146 garment workers on the eighth, ninth, and tenth floors of the building. The door to the only stairwell leading from the ninth floor was locked (allegedly by the owners, to prevent workers from leaving early), and the tallest ladders of the New York Fire Department trucks would only reach the sixth floor. The Kheel Center for Labor-Management Documentation and Archives shares its collection relating to the tragedy.
CBS News - Video - The History of the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire