Mahopac Teachers' Association

Members of the Mahopac Teachers' Association rock their flannels during a union solidarity day. Each month the local, led by President Thomas McMahon, hosts a day when members wear a particular color/item and support a charity. Past events include food drives, Toys for Tots collections and donations to the union's scholarship fund. The successful initiative came out of the union's participation in NYSUT's Local Action Project.
Mount Vernon Federation of Teachers
Due to the generosity of Mount Vernon Federation of Teachers members, retirees and other district staff, the union's annual holiday drive raised $9,666. The funds purchased gift cards for more than 300 secondary students, and holiday gifts for more than 350 elementary students. The MVFT is led by Jeff Yonkers.
The massive effort was possible thanks to the work of numerous members, including Lillian Reynolds, Diana O'Sullivan, Melissa Hogan, Laura Mason, Sara Kincade and MVFT retiree Karen Wallace. The local also recognized district staffers and superintendent Kenneth Hamilton, who promoted the effort by announcing two districtwide dress down days.
Arlington Teachers Association
The Arlington TA has continued its ambitious, longtime agenda of being an active community partner. The local, led by Bob Maier, has been involved in numerous charitable events and drives.
This school year alone, ATA members have raised thousands of dollars for the Children's Home of Poughkeepsie and donated several car-loads of items to the Dutchess County SPCA. The ATA also provided players jerseys for the annual HOPE basketball game; proceeds from this year's event will benefit 35 graduating seniors who have suffered the loss of a parent or guardian. In April, the local partnered with Rebuilding Together Dutchess County to help local families make much-needed repairs on their homes.
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