January 2012 Issue December 22, 2011 SRPs receive well-deserved recognition Source: NYSUT United Caption: At left, NYSUT Vice President Kathleen Donahue, during a Capital District regional roundtable hosted at NYSUT headquarters, praised School-Related Professionals for the incredible work they do to support students and their schools. The event, held on SRP Recognition Day, brought together 60 SRPs including, from left to right, Arlene Kelly, Patricia Zentko and Roberta Teta, all members of the Schenectady Federation of Teachers, to talk about challenges currently facing the union. NYSUT members across the state joined their districts in thanking SRPs in a variety of creative ways for their valuable service. NYSUT represents more than 92,000 SRPs. Photos by El Wise Noisette.