Ending world hunger
Heifer International is a global nonprofit with a solution to ending hunger and poverty in a sustainable way. Its website offers a variety of programs for educators, including field trip opportunities, professional development and free standards-based lesson plans for elementary and middle-level students.
For details, go to www.heifer.org and click on "get involved" to find the schools section.
College Board awards
The deadline is approaching to apply for a series of awards presented by the College Board.
$25,000 Inspiration Awards to three of America's most improved secondary schools and $1,000 each to as many as five runners-up. Schools should be able to demonstrate consistent academic growth across the entire student population. Deadline is Nov. 19. Get details at www.collegeboard.com/inspirationawards.
$3,000 Award for Excellence and Innovation in the Arts; deadline Nov. 15; go to artsaward.collegeboard.org.
$3,000 Bob Costas Grants for the Teaching of Writing; Nov. 19 deadline; details available at www.collegeboard.com/costasgrants.
On the money
Designed for parents, the free materials from the nonprofit Alliance for Investor Education can benefit teachers and students.
Go to www.investoreducation.org/teachingyourkids for resources that include a list of the 10 best websites to teach kids about how to save and invest in today's tough financial times, and a free guide: "Teaching Your Kids About Saving and Investing."
AIE is made up of the 20 leading U.S. financial-related foundations, nonprofit organizations, associations and governmental agencies.
Take five
Get five tips on how to get free stuff for schools at www.ehow.com/how_4495786_get-free-stuff-schools.html.
Talk to us
For 17 years, Freebies has been telling you how to get free stuff. Now, we'd like to collect your best tips to share with our readers in a future issue of NYSUT United.
We're looking for some of your most creative ideas, Web destinations, strategies for getting donations and other ideas.
E-mail us at united@nysutmail.org or go to our Facebook page at http://www.facebook.com/nysut.