School Finance
April 03, 2018

SCHOOL AID RUNS: Your district's projected funding for the enacted 2018-19 state budget

Source:  NYSUT Research and Educational Services

School aid runs based on the 2018-19 enacted state budget are now available.

Use the Excel spreadsheet to compare your district's projected state aid for 2018-19 to funding for 2017-18. Open the document on your computer and use the yellow drop-down menu (cell B1) to select your district from the alphabetical listing. You may also consult the one-sheet describing formula aids to districts.

Comparison Data

school aid

Additional Resources

Description of Formula Aids to School Districts


Unrestricted aid to school districts for school operation and maintenance. It was based on an adjusted foundation amount less an expected minimum local contribution. Formula recognized regional cost, district need factors and fiscal capacity and was to be phased-in over time.

Full-Day K Conversion

Unrestricted aid paid on a current year basis for approved programs in districts that agree to convert to full-day kindergarten programs.

Universal Pre-Kindergarten

Grant program provided to districts to support their approved UPK programs.


Reimbursement aid for approved operating and capital expenditures for transportation of pupils. 

Summer Transportation

Transportation aid was expanded to cover summer school programs.     Districts with approved programs are eligible for aid up to a maximum State total of $5 million.


Reimbursement aid for districts that are components of BOCES to obtain services.  

Special Services— Computer Administration

Reimbursement aid for computer expenditures for the Big 5 and school districts that are not a component of a BOCES up to a maximum amount per pupil.  

Special Services— Career Education

Reimbursement aid for career education expenditures for the Big 5 and school districts that are not a component of a BOCES up to a maximum amount per pupil.  

Excess Cost--Private

Aid program to support students with disabilities that the district places in private settings or in the state-operated schools for the deaf or blind.

Excess Cost—Public High Cost

Aid program to support students with disabilities in public school or BOCES-run very high cost programs. Costs exceeding a threshold are reimbursed using an aid ratio based on district property and income wealth.

Hardware and Technology

Reimbursement for instructional computer hardware and educational technology equipment.

Computer Software

Reimbursement for computer software expenditures up to a maximum amount per pupil.

Library Materials

Reimbursement for library materials expenditures up to a maximum amount per pupil.    


Reimbursement for textbook expenditures up to a maximum amount per pupil.

Charter School Transitional

Targeted aid program provided to districts that are the most impacted by a concentration of charter school students.

Reorganization Incentive ­

Additional unrestricted operating aid for districts that reorganize (merge).

Academic Enhancement

Additional Aid for districts identified as in need of improvement. 

High Tax

Targeted aid program provided to eligible districts where their residential tax levy exceeds a specified percent of adjusted gross income. 

Supplemental Public Excess Cost Amount

Aid for eligible districts to accommodate changes in the way aid was provided for public excess cost pupils.  


Reimbursement aid for construction and financing of approved building projects. 

Reorganization Incentive -Building

Additional building aid for districts that have reorganized (merged).

Community Schools Setaside

The amount of Foundation Aid in the 2018-19 school year set aside to support Community Schools.