Vigil for Schools and Jobs
Mon., May 9, 8-9 p.m.
New York State Capitol (West Side Park)
Teachers, parents, community members and activists will gather at the West Capitol Park (between Swan Street and the Capitol) at 8 p.m. Monday, May 9 for a special "candlelight" vigil for schools and jobs.
This event is for every person who has gotten a layoff notice or knows someone who has, that is upset that schools are being closed, that programs are being cut and that New York State's students are being denied educational opportunities.
For safety reasons, we're discouraging candles, but a limited supply of glow sticks will be available. You can bring your own glow sticks or light up your cell phone by downloading a virtual candle or lighter app for free, like the ones online at
Come to this vigil to shine a light on the union's fight to convince lawmakers to supplement the budget approved earlier this month. The best way to do that is to continue the income tax surcharge on the wealthiest New Yorkers and share the sacrifice. (The Assembly extended the surcharge for those earning $1 million or more annually after deductions. This alone would generate about $750 million in state fiscal year 2011-12. So far the Senate and governor have not signed on.)