Urgent action needed:
Call the governor's office and your senator! Tell them to choose kids, not millionaires
State lawmakers ended a hectic week in Albany with word that a conceptual budget deal is near. There's still time: Call your elected officials NOW and tell them you expect them to protect kids, not millionaires, by extending the tax on the wealthiest. Call your state senator and the governor at: 1-877 255-9417 (NYS AFL-CIO ACTION LINE.)
When prompted, press 1 for the governor or 2 to be connected to the state senate operator. Ask the operator to connect you to your senator's office.
Call today, leave messages through the weekend and let's jam the phone lines first thing next week -- we expect the budget to be finalized by the middle of next week. As always, watch http://www.nysut.org for the latest developments.
Nearly 40,000 postcards tell Capitol: Don't Erase Our Progress
Nearly 40,000 postcards of heart-felt pleas for support for public schools and students arrived at the Capitol today. Education activists hand-delivered more than two dozen green baskets overflowing with personalized messages urging lawmakers to restore the $1.5 billion in proposed budget cuts. NYSUT, along with the Alliance for Quality Education; the New York State Council of School Superintendents , New York State Association of Small City School Districts, Citizens Action; and New York Communities for Change, collected the postcards over the past few weeks. The postcards help to give voice to the thousands of ordinary New Yorkers, who staunchly oppose the proposed budget cuts and urge lawmakers to protect children from the devastation this budget would cause.