If you care about public education, call the governor and your state representatives now.
Tell them to vote "no" on the tax cap bills: A-7916 and S-2706.
How? It's easy. Just call our hotline.
Dial 1-877-255-9417.
You will be connected directly to the governor’s office or your representative in the Assembly and state Senate. Tell them you are a voter and a taxpayer and you are against the tax cap bills.
You must make the time to call because the long-term impact of a property tax cap will destroy public education in New York state.
NYSUT is working non-stop to block or significantly change the legislation.
But those who support a tax cap are working just as hard, and are better funded.
So please, start dialing: 1-877-255-9417. Then, ask your friends, family and neighbors to call.