March 24, 2010

Fight to defend schools, higher ed expands to airwaves

Source:  NYSUT Media Relations

NYSUT is launching an immediate statewide radio campaign calling on state lawmakers to "do right by our children" and craft a budget that sustains essential services in schools, colleges and universities.

Union leaders are outraged at the Senate majority's budget resolution which largely passes along Gov. Paterson's $1.4 billion in cuts to pre- K-12 aid. The proposal is even worse at the higher education level; the senate plan would cut an additional $50 million over the more than $300 million in cuts proposed by the governor.

The Assembly plan, which would restore $600 million in education funds, doesn't go far enough to prevent the loss of thousands of jobs, programs and extracurricular activities, union leaders said.

The 30-second ad supplements the union's massive television campaign. It will air in every community, including legislators' home districts as they head home for the Easter and Passover break.