April 02, 2007

School-Related Professionals Member of the Year: Mary Jo Roberge

Source:  NYSUT Constituency Awards 2007

Mary Jo Roberge

SRP of the Year 2007 Mary Jo RobergeAfter 25 years as a teaching assistant in North Syracuse, Mary Jo Roberge still continues to do it all. President of the North Syracuse Teaching Assistants and the Onondaga County SRP Council, Roberge has been named School-Related Professionals Member of the Year. Roberge has been instrumental in building a strong union that offers solid professional development opportunities for members and a successful annual VOTE/COPE campaign. She is the past chair of NYSUT's SRP Advisory Committee and is an instructor for the union's Education & Learning Trust. Roberge also has participated in the SRP Program and Policy Council for the American Federation of Teachers, one of NYSUT's national affiliates. Roberge was nominated by NYSUT Board member Sylvia Matousek.